I am so impressed by the amazing birthday parties and weddings I get to be a part of. It makes photographing them so much fun. Not too long ago, I photographed sweet Berkeley's 3rd birthday. I have known her mom Tarah for what seems like the majority of my life...she owns The Dance Factory and was my dance teacher throughout middle and high school. It's so fun to see her own little girl grow up and it was wonderful photographing her 3rd birthday :) Enjoy your preview!
P.S. Remember Ryann's 1st birthday a few weeks ago? Her mom, Ashley, did the signs and other graphic design for the party.
Berkeley's theme for her 3rd birthday was "Princess Berkeley" She had a nail parlor, princess hats, princess wands, princess treats and the list goes on and on :) |
Getting her nails done before the guests arrive! |
Berk's dad surprised her in a prince costume. It was a surprise for me, too and luckily I was there to capture it because it was the most adorable thing. |
Berk and her dad, the prince. |
Berk was so excited whenever a guest would arrive...and then she greeted every one of them with a huge. It was so sweet. |
Berk's birthday cake. |
Berk and her three friends for her 3rd birthday. This is about as good as it gets with four little girls :) |
Berk's sweet baby brother slept through most of the party, but woke up in time for the last little bit :) |
Berk put on an impromptu dance performance for everyone. |
Berk's strut :) |
Berk thought she had gotten away with hiding from me on the other side of the ottoman. So, I got down on her level...hey Berk :) |
Berk was playing a little game of simon says with her mom's friend Liz. So, when the birthday girl gets down on the floor... |
So does Liz :) |
Berk waving goodbye to her last guests. |
This girl will have the most amazing wedding :) B is so cute!
The perfect, most adorable birthday party for a 3 yr. old! Just too cute!