Camden | Tonganoxie 10 Month Photo Previews

I'm going to go ahead and name this post: Kissy Faces, Fishy Faces and Tongues.  I recently photographed sweet, little Camden's 10 month photos, and it was SO much fun to see him so interactive and "grown up."  I love it when their personalities really start to show.  I also love watching babies discover new funny faces.  Camden was so much fun, and I can't believe his first year is almost over!  Enjoy your preview :D

Cam isn't quite walking yet (seems so close, though!), but like most little ones he loved pulling up on things to try and stand.  That blue and white striped fabric in the lower portion of the photo is my dress.  Needless to say, I'm glad my lens had a short focus distance, and I was able to get these funny pictures :)

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