Shaw Jameson - Fairway Newborn Photo Preview
>> Wednesday, November 10, 2010 –
first year,
When I first arrived at baby Shaw's house, I fell in love...with him AND with his house. While little Shaw was being cleaned up to begin his session, I was oohing and aahing over how great their decor was, and inside I was giddy with excitement about the blue wall in their living room...knowing how great it would look in pictures. Shaw has two of the coolest parents...seriously, mom was adorable and more put together than I am most days I leave for work (and she just had a baby), and dad was super cool as well.
Beyond that, they were so great to work with, and even though baby Shaw wasn't sure whether he was ready for his close up, they were so cool about it and didn't stress out. If you ever plan on having a newborn session done, the biggest piece of advice I can give you, and what Shaw's parents did perfectly, is: don't stress out. Sometimes it is so hard, because shit happens (literally), but when the stress rises in the adults, baby almost always knows. You might have dreamed of your perfect little naked baby on a blanket you have been saving for the occasion since you found out you were pregnant, but the second your sweet little baby without a diaper on decides to relieve his or her self all over that precious blanket, you just have to roll with the punches and deal with it.
Babies will cry, and sometimes they will cry for 3 hours, even when they are perfect 95% of the time. It happens, and I can guarantee you that, even if your little one is having an off day/night/whatever, and they fuss and cry and you feel like we didn't get any good pictures, those pictures of a bright red baby with tears in his or her eyes and a scrunched up face, swaddled in your arms are going to be some of your favorites down the road.
However, I should stop rambling and just get to the pictures. Thank you again for being so great, and I hope you enjoy your preview! The rest of your images will be up shortly!
So, how cool is this nursery? The best part? Mom is the one who designed it.

I may be biased, but I really love this just screams newborn to me.

Before you look at the next picture, just keep in mind, I haven't done anything to all. My white balance wasn't perfect, but just use momma's hands as a means of comparison...I hate seeing babies cry as much as the next person, but that is a very impressive, full bodied, brow furrowed cry...enough to turn him bright red...poor little guy :(

So, baby boy didn't care too much for the owl hat, but how cute is this? I got it from an awesome seller on Etsy named Brittany's Buttons. Not only does she do amazing work, but she was super prompt and SO awesome to work with. Maybe he'll be more willing at 3 months? :)

And another cute hat from Brittany's Buttons.

I think the cat was kind of jealous of all of the attention Shaw was getting, so I gave him his own picture ;)

I may be biased, but I really love this just screams newborn to me.

Before you look at the next picture, just keep in mind, I haven't done anything to all. My white balance wasn't perfect, but just use momma's hands as a means of comparison...I hate seeing babies cry as much as the next person, but that is a very impressive, full bodied, brow furrowed cry...enough to turn him bright red...poor little guy :(

So, baby boy didn't care too much for the owl hat, but how cute is this? I got it from an awesome seller on Etsy named Brittany's Buttons. Not only does she do amazing work, but she was super prompt and SO awesome to work with. Maybe he'll be more willing at 3 months? :)

And another cute hat from Brittany's Buttons.

I think the cat was kind of jealous of all of the attention Shaw was getting, so I gave him his own picture ;)