Jacob-Topeka 1st Birthday Preview
>> Tuesday, October 26, 2010 –
first year
It is so fun to watch the children I photograph grow up, and I love seeing them change from year to year. So, when Jacob's mom contacted me about doing his 1 year old pictures, I was thrilled. I first met Jacob just a few months ago when he was the ringer bearer in a wedding I photographed in Topeka. This little boy was a pro at walking at just 8 months old when he was in the wedding, so you can imagine how much he is running around now at 1 year! Jacob has such a fun little personality. He was all over the place, and into everything but such a doll...enjoy your preview!

This was his response to me asking him if I could see what he was playing with...pretty cute, huh?

I should have just titled this post, "The Many Faces of Jacob"

Little boys are always entertaining, because when you give a boy a rose, he doesn't smell it...he destroys it :)

And mud on their hands is just an opportunity for a snack.

A fearless little 1 year old, who wanted to get a little too close to the water...and what happens when you take that little boy away from the water. (check out the shoe midair)

At least his shoes float...