Teddy - 3 Month Preview (Kansas City)
>> Sunday, September 5, 2010 –
first year
You might remember sweet, little red-head Teddy from his newborn session just 3 months ago.

Teddy was so tiny, but had the cutest little expressions for such a tiny boy!

Fast forward 3 months...I show up at Teddy's house to a not so tiny baby with not so red hair, but with equally cute little faces and a fun little personality. Teddy has wonderful parents, who are always so easy to work with, which made his session go very smoothly. Teddy was such a trooper, and I can't wait to see how much he changes between now and his 6 month pictures! Enjoy your preview!

If you thought Teddy's nursery was cute before, check out how great it looks now!

Teddy's eyes are such a pretty blue that I had a hard time making this one black and white, but I couldn't resist. Love that face!

We absolutely LOVE them, Annie!! Thank you so much! You are the BEST!