Jarrod and Jessica Lamott Wedding Preview (Topeka)
On a Saturday in late August, Jessica and Jarrod were married. The weather was perfect, as was the whole day. This summer has been a particularly good one for perfectly sunny Saturday weddings, and this one was no exception. I hope you enjoy their preview as much as I do!

Pretty gorgeous, huh?

Holy Name Catholic Church in Topeka, KS

On the left is one of their beautiful center pieces. On the right is a moment I just about missed. I heard some commotion behind me and turned around. I saw this young boy holding a goldfish from one of the centerpieces over his mouth, and without having time to adjust the settings on my camera I whipped it up and snapped a shot, shortly before the goldfish met it's unfortunate demise in the stomach of this daredevil. I heard him being dared earlier by his friends to do it, and didn't think he would go through with it...well, looks like he won the dare.

Wow!! Such a lovely post. The bride looks beautiful in that gown. Want to have a similar one for my wedding too that will be arranged at one of wedding venues Chicago. It will look stunning at event. Just want to look best on my big day.
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