Grace Katherine - Prairie Village Newborn Preview

The best time to do a newborn session is right after the baby is born. I don't mean a few weeks, I mean right in a few days. Obviously this is not always possible for everyone, but when it is the sessions are so fun...brand new newborns are just so bendy and squishy and delightful :) I was very lucky that little Grace Katherine's mom and dad were able to schedule Grace's session when she was just 3 days old. Grace was just absolutely wonderful, as were her sweet parents and precious 2 1/2 year old brother, Luke. I am so excited to see this sweet little girl grow up over her first year. Enjoy your preview!

I was lucky enough to get a few minutes with big brother Luke before we started with Grace.

This crib has a great story behind it. Not only did Luke get to use it when he was a baby, but so did their mom. I love being able to include items like this in pictures, it always adds a little extra sentiment.

Luke was so sweet to Grace. At one point he told his mom that Grace was the cutest baby ever.

Her absolutely adorable nursery. So sweet and girly.

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