Chelsea and Seth -- Spring Wedding Preview
Lucky for Seth and Chelsea, this weekend was absolutely perfect weather for a spring wedding, especially an outdoors spring wedding! Mid 60's, bright and sunny. A few of the groomsmen complained a time or two about being too hot in their all black, so I just kept reminding them how lucky they were, and that I have photographed weddings when it was in the the 90s, and everyone was sweating bullets. We had a wonderful day, and Chelsea and Seth were the most laid back, calm and collected couple. Here are a few of my favorites from their special day:

When I arrived at the location where the groom and his half of the wedding party were getting ready, Brody was in the backyard playing golf like a pro. At not even 2 years old, he had a pretty mean swing. Brody clearly loves playing golf, because when we tried to pull him away for a picture with his dad he was none too happy. Unfortunately for him, this made for a sad little boy, but fortunately for me, it also was a pretty good photo op!

Loved the dance moves from this little guy. He was tearing it up like a pro.