Austin - Topeka Senior Preview
I always do my best to be very prompt in getting client images online as soon as possible after a session. I can sometimes even get them up in less than 24 hours...but not usually more than 2 weeks after a session. For my poor younger brother, Austin, he has waited since March to see the first part of his senior pictures. Fortunately for me, he hasn't complained or asked to see them once. Today, after a long evening of working on some of the WRHS football pictures, I decided to be nice and finally put a few up for a preview.
Story behind the photos...even though Austin was technically a junior when these were taken, it has become tradition for the kids in my family to have their senior photos taken while we visit our grandparents in Naples, FL. When I was a senior, I had a man take my pictures, back in 2004. When my sister Elizabeth was a senior in 2008, I took her senior pictures the March before her senior year. So, seeing as Austin will be a senior this school year, we took a few pictures in Naples this past March when we were in Naples. Thanks for being patient, Austin, and hopefully we will knock out the rest in Kansas soon enough!